 BAI Yongjian,NI Huayong,WANG Yusheng,et al.Engineering Geological Characteristics and Motor Process of Caishu Landslide in Xide of Sichuan,China[J].Mountain Research,2014,(03):327.





Engineering Geological Characteristics and Motor Process of Caishu Landslide in Xide of Sichuan,China
1. 成都理工大学地质灾害防治与地质环境保护国家重点实验室,四川 成都 610059;
2. 中国地质调查局成都地质调查中心,四川 成都 610081
BAI YongjianNI HuayongWANG YushengWANG Dewei(335)
1.Station Key Laboratory of Geohazard Prevention and Geo-Environment Protection,Chengdu 610059,China;
2.Chengdu Center of China Geological Survey,Chengdu 610081,China
landslidedamdisaster chainengineering geological characteristicsmotor process
受青藏高原新生代快速隆升和河流的快速下切影响,在我国西南山区高山峡谷、高地应力场、频繁的地震活动、暴雨及人类活动等内外动力作用下,河谷地段常形成暴雨诱发滑坡→堵江→堰塞湖灾害链。2012-08-31,四川喜德县遭遇200 a一遇的特大暴雨,日最大降雨量达149.2 mm。热柯依达乡上游1.5 km处发生大型碎屑岩滑坡,体积为520×104 m3,堵河形成堰塞坝。堰塞湖水位上升28.6 m,库容量达120×104 m3,威胁下游9个乡镇与县城约1.29万人的生命财产安全。基于对滑坡及堰塞坝的工程地质测绘,分析了滑坡的平面、空间形态,滑坡体、堰塞坝的物质结构、变形破坏特征。研究了滑坡运动过程的地质力学模式,推导出本构方程。主要认识有:1.滑坡体物质主要分为散体、层状碎裂、层状块裂结构。2.滑坡失稳运动地质模式为:强降雨诱发滑体产生后退式拉裂蠕滑启动;在岩体裂隙中静水压力和动水压力作用下,和前缘良好临空条件结合,产生高速滑动,凌空飞行;受河谷、对岸山体阻挡,急速停止,解体、破碎,堆积于河谷,堵断河流形成堰塞体。3.滑坡启动失稳力学模式主要为潜水和承压含水层混合模式。天然工况下稳定性系数为1.18,处于基本稳定状态;暴雨工况下为0.92,失稳破坏。推导出滑坡短程飞行、碎屑流运动本构方程。4.堰塞坝整体稳定性好,发生管涌或流土溃决的可能性小,主要以“漫顶”模式逐级冲刷破坏。
Affected by Qinghai-Tibet Plateau rapid uplifted and the river fast incised since Cenozoic,in southwestern mountainous area of China,where are valley and mountain,high stress field,frequent seismic activity. Disaster chain that heavy rains induced landslides→blocking the river→dammed lake,are distributed in river valley. Onceintwocentury heavy rainfall hit Xide county,Sichuan,rainfall 149.2 mm,on August 31,2012. Largescale clastic rock landslide was developed in 1.5 km upstream of Rekeyida town,volume 520×104 m3,blocking the river,forming dammed lake. The lake water level rise 28.6 m,the capacity of reservoir is 120×104 m3,threatening downstream 9 township、county and 12 900 people's life and property safety. Base on mapping and investigating of landslide and damming body,this paper analyzes plane and space shape,material structure,deformation and failure characteristics of landslide and damming body,studies geological mechanics model during movement process of landslide,deduces constitutive equation. The mainly consequences of this study are: 1. Landslide material structure mainly divided into loose,fracture layer and crack layer block structure. 2. The geological model of landslide movement is that heavy rainfall induced that sliding bodies produce back type of cracking creep start;hydrostatic pressure and dynamic water pressure in rock fracture,good front opening conditions,result in highspeed sliding and flying;landslides body,was stopped、collapsed,crushed by river valley and the other side of the mountain,accumulated in the valley,blocked river,formed dam. 3. The mechanics mod of landslide is diving and confined aquifer mixed mode. Stability coefficient is 1.18 under the natural condition,which is stable;Stability coefficient is 0.92 under heavy rain conditions,landslides failures,then concluded constitutive equation during landslide shorthaul flights and debris flow movement. 4. Dam body is stability,the possibility of piping or earth dam flow is small,failure mode is step and step overtopping.


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收稿日期(Received date):2013-11-05;改回日期(Accepted): 2013-11-25。
基金项目(Foundation item):国家自然科学基金(41102226),科技基础性工作专项(2011FY110100-1)和中国地质调查局雅砻江地质灾害调查与研究(12120113010600)。[Supported by National Science Foundation of China (41102226), the special basic work of science and technology (2011FY110100-1) and Project of Investigation and Research of Geological Hazards along Yalongjiang river (12120113010600).]
作者简介(Biography):白永健(1982-),男,四川巴中人,博士研究生,工程师,主要从事环境地质、灾害地质方面的研究工作。[Bai Yongjian(1982-),male, doctor student, major in environmental and disastrous geology research.] E-mail:byj209@126.com
更新日期/Last Update: 1900-01-01