[1]刘元恭,张 彦*,谌小慧,等.新疆阿尔泰山多年冻土区泥炭剖面有机碳结构变化及其影响机理[J].山地学报,2024,(3):300-311.[doi:10-16089/j.cnki.1008-2786.000824]
 LIU Yuangong,ZHANG Yan*,CHEN Xiaohui,et al.Change of Organic Carbon Composition in Peat Profiles over the Permafrost Areas of Xinjiang Altai Mountains in China and Its Influence Mechanism[J].Mountain Research,2024,(3):300-311.[doi:10-16089/j.cnki.1008-2786.000824]





Change of Organic Carbon Composition in Peat Profiles over the Permafrost Areas of Xinjiang Altai Mountains in China and Its Influence Mechanism
刘元恭张 彦*谌小慧陈昭一童宇毅
(福建师范大学 a.福建省亚热带资源与环境重点实验室; b.地理科学学院,福州 350007)
LIU Yuangong ZHANG Yan* CHEN Xiaohui CHEN Zhaoyi TONG Yuyi
(a. Key Laboratory for Subtropical Resources and Environment of Fujian Province; b. School of Geographical Sciences, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou 350007, China)
多年冻土 泥炭 有机碳 稳定性 阿尔泰山
permafrost peat organic carbon stability the Altai Mountains
多年冻土泥炭地是重要的陆地碳库之一,在区域碳循环及气候变化过程中扮演重要作用。前期研究集中于区域气候变化对泥炭有机碳稳定性影响研究,但局地环境变化对其影响并不明确。新疆阿尔泰山多年冻土泥炭地是中国西北高山泥炭重要的分布地区之一,对气候变化响应敏感。本文选取阿尔泰山三处多年冻土区泥炭地(黑湖、哈拉萨孜和三道海子)剖面,利用傅里叶变换红外光谱(FTIR)技术对比分析泥炭剖面易分解的碳水化合物和结构较稳定的芳香族化合物的含量变化特征,揭示不同局地环境条件下泥炭剖面中有机碳结构变化及差异特征; 并结合泥炭剖面中总有机碳(TOC)、腐殖化度(HD)和灰分等理化指标以及局地环境特征,探讨阿尔泰山多年冻土区泥炭沉积过程,揭示泥炭有机碳结构稳定性变化的影响机理。结果表明,(1)阿尔泰山不同环境条件下多年冻土区泥炭剖面中有机碳结构含量特征存在明显差异。黑湖和哈拉萨孜泥炭剖面中芳香族化合物含量(26.63%和26.58%)显著高于三道海子泥炭剖面中芳香族化合物含量(21.21%); 三道海子泥炭剖面中碳水化合物含量(36.12%)明显高于黑湖(21.84%)和哈拉萨孜(24.21%)泥炭剖面。(2)芳香族化合物与碳水化合物含量比值结果表明,黑湖泥炭剖面中有机碳结构稳定性(1.33)高于哈拉萨孜(1.14)和三道海子(0.60); 黑湖和哈拉萨孜泥炭剖面中有机碳稳定性随深度增加而增加,三道海子则随深度增加而下降。(3)阿尔泰山不同环境条件下的多年冻土泥炭地植被种群和微生物活性的差异,是导致泥炭有机碳稳定性变化的主要因素。本研究可为科学评估高山多年冻土区有机碳库动态变化及对环境变化的响应提供参考。
Permafrost peatland is one of the most important terrestrial carbon pools and plays a key role in regulating regional carbon cycle and local climate change. Most previous research concerned about the influence of regional climate change on the composition of peat organic carbon; however, little knowledge of the response of organic carbon stability to local environmental change was made.
Permafrost peatlands in Xinjiang Altai Mountains is sensitive to climate change, and is one of the most important distribution areas of alpine peat in northwestern China.
In this study, three peat profiles at Hehu, Halasazi and Sandaohaizi, separately located at three typical permafrost areas along Xinjiang Altai Mountains were selected for peatland survey. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy(FTIR)technology was used to analyze the compositional changes of decomposable carbohydrate compounds as well as stable aromatic compounds in the peat profiles, for revealing the changes of organic carbon composition in the different local geo-environment circumstances. Physical and chemical indicators in the peat profile such as total organic carbon(TOC), humification degree(HD), ash content as well as local environmental conditions were jointly included in comprehensive analysis to describe the process of peat deposition and reveal the influence mechanism of the changes in peat organic carbon composition.
(1)There were distinct differences in the organic carbon compositions in the peat profiles at the three survey sites of permafrost along Xinjiang Altai Mountains. At Hehu and Halazi, in the peat profiles it had a content of 26.63% and 26.58% aromatic compounds, separately, which was higher than that of 21.21% at Sandaohaizi. And it had a content of 36.12% carbohydrates compounds in the peat profiles at Sandaohaizi, higher than that of 21.84% at Hehu and 24.21% at Halasazi.
(2)As for the ratio of aromatic compounds to carbohydrates compounds, the stability of organic carbon composition in the peat profile at Hehu was 1.33, higher than 1.14 at Halasazi and 0.60 at Sandaohaizi. The stability of organic carbon in the peat profiles at Hehu and Halasazi increased with depth, but at Sandaohaizi it decreased with depth.
(3)The differences in vegetation population and microbial activity in permafrost peatlands under different environmental conditions along Xinjiang Altai Mountains were the main factors leading to the change of the stability of organic carbon.
This study can provide references for scientific assessment of dynamic changes of organic carbon pool in alpine permafrost areas and its response to environmental changes.


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收稿日期(Received date): 2024- 03- 01; 改回日期(Accepted date):2024- 05-21
基金项目(Foundation item): 国家自然科学基金(42177432); 福建省科技厅公益类项目(2021R1002002)。[National Natural Science Foundation of China(42177432); Public Welfare Project of Technology Department of Fujian Province(2021R1002002)]
作者简介(Biography): 刘元恭(1998-),男,河南信阳人,硕士研究生,主要研究方向:湿地生态与环境演变。[LIU Yuangong(1998-), male, born in Xinyang, Henan province, M.Sc. candidate, research on wetland ecology and environmental change] E-mail: lyg17051011167@outlook.com
*通讯作者(Corresponding author): 张彦(1988-),女,博士,副研究员,主要研究方向:生态演化过程。[ZHANG Yan(1988-), female, Ph.D., associate professor, research on the process of ecological evolution] E-mail: zhangyan7299@126.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2024-05-30