[1]黄 勇,孙 傲,朱芝铮,等.山地城市大排水系统级联失效机制研究——以重庆市渝中区为例[J].山地学报,2023,(1):115-128.[doi:10.16089/j.cnki.1008-2786.000735]
 HUANG Yong,SUN Ao,ZHU Zhizheng,et al.Cascading Failure Mechanism of Major Rainwater Drainage System in Mountainous City: A Case Study of Yuzhong District of Chongqing, China[J].Mountain Research,2023,(1):115-128.[doi:10.16089/j.cnki.1008-2786.000735]





Cascading Failure Mechanism of Major Rainwater Drainage System in Mountainous City: A Case Study of Yuzhong District of Chongqing, China
黄 勇1孙 傲1朱芝铮1向姮玲2
(1.重庆大学 建筑城规学院,重庆 400030; 2.重庆大学建筑规划设计研究总院有限公司,重庆 400045)
HUANG Yong1 SUN Ao1 ZHU Zhizheng1 XIANG Hengling2
(1. School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400030, China; 2. General Research Institute of Architectural & Planning and Design Co., Ltd., Chongqing University, Chongqing 400045, China)
山地城市 内涝 大排水系统 级联失效 溢流传播 重庆
mountainous city waterlogging major drainage system cascading failure overflow propagation Chongqing
Major drainage system is a rainwater drainage system in a city designed to extra-excessive runoff diversion composed of roads, natural passages, open channels, ponded rainwater(standing water or stagnant water)sites and storage facilities, etc. Due to the openness role of rainwater collecting and discharging process, the major drainage system is subjected to cascading aftermath, such as uncontrolled overflow, traffic interruption or inundation in urban land, which contribute to urban waterlogging. There was a lack of research on quantitative analysis of major urban drainage system, especially for its cascading failure mechanism in mountain cities. In this study, it took Yuzhong district of Chongqing, China as a case study to investigate the pattern of urban surface flow in a mountainous city and the inherent cascading failure mechanism of its major drainage system; it used complex network analysis method to build a cascading failure model to simulate mal-functionality of the major drainage system in the event of extreme rainstorm. The results include:(1)The full extent of cascading failure in Yuzhong delineated by simulation was generally consistent with the waterlogging areas observed in previous years;(2)As other uncertain factors were unchanged, the open ground environment was able to reduce the function overloading of the major drainage system and slow down the duration of local inundation and occurrence extent; the open level of the ground environment was not correlated with the occurrence sites of waterlogging;(3)Surface overflow in certain terrains was more likely to be drained shortly into the element structures of the major drainage system, particularly more in the case of intensified rainstorms; however, the open ground environment restricted this centralized drainage trend as a result of spatial diversion of surface flow;(4)A small range of depression and flat terrain in the city made surface overflow flowable to ponding or ramifying, while a large range of undulating terrain speeded up the surface overflow into drainage storage and impeded it in wandering. This research provides a scientific basis for planning of major drainage system in mountain cities, as well as drainage capacity refurbishing and waterlogging preventing.


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收稿日期(Received date): 2022-08-21; 改回日期(Accepted date):2023-02-18
基金项目(Foundation item): 国家重点研发计划(2018YFD1100804)。[National Key Research and Development Program(2018YFD1100804)]
作者简介(Biography): 黄勇(1976-),男,教授,博士,主要研究方向:山地人居网络,山地城市规划设计。[HUANG Yong(1976-), male, professor, Ph.D., specialized in mountain habitat network, planning and design of mountainous cities] E-mail: hyong@cqu.edu.cn

更新日期/Last Update: 2023-01-30