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Aesthetic Understanding of Landscape Resources at Jiuzhaigou Valley, China from a Perspective of Ecological Civilization
李立华1雷若然12杜 杰3王 浩12
1.中国科学院、水利部成都山地灾害与环境研究所,成都 610041; 2.中国科学院大学,北京100049; 3.九寨沟风景名胜区管理局, 四川 阿坝藏族羌族自治州 623402
LI Lihua1 LEI Ruoran12 DU Jie3 WANG Hao12
1. Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chengdu 610041,China; 2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China; 3. Jiuzhaigou Valley Scenic Area Administration, Tibetan Qiang Autonomous Prefecture of Ngawa 623402, Sichuan, China
生态文明 景观 美学 认识 九寨沟
ecological civilization landscape aesthetic congnition Jiuzhaigou
Ecological civilization construction deeply highlights the recognition of the aesthetic attributes and values of landscape resources. The recovery and reconstruction of earthquake damaged scenic spots from 2017 in Jiuzhaigou, a World Heritage Site, is currently of great significance. In the preface of this article, the current understanding of aesthetic philosophy related to landscape resources was briefly reviewed, and, in particular, some recent scientific theories and methods originating in neuroaesthetics were introduced. In the subsequent parts, data and a text corpus from the travel notes and tourism comments were collected from 2010 to 2020, using Python, from tourism websites in Chinese based on the keyword of Jiuzhaigou. Neuropoetic induced methodology of words frequency statistics, aesthetic attributes, and the values of landscape resources in Jiuzhaigou scenic area were then applied and quantitatively analyzed and assessed. Some novel findings and understandings are as follows:(1)There were three types of aesthetic attributes of landscape resources in Jiuzhaigou, the diversity of landscape aesthetic elements, the identity of landscape aesthetic sites, and the richness of the landscape aesthetic mechanism, and their corresponding word frequency weights were 38.73%, 22.44% and 38.38%;(2)Diversity attribute was reflected not only in natural elements, such as water, waterfalls, lakes, color, and sunshine, but also in artificial elements such as plank roads and trestles;(3)Identity attribute was reflected in some outstanding aesthetic sites, according to word frequency, which reflected a degree of significance, they were, in order, the Five Flowers Sea and the Pearl Beach Waterfall and Spark Sea, followed by the Colorful Pool, the Reed Sea, the Nuorilang Waterfall, the Arrow Bamboo Sea, the Shuzheng Waterfall, the Panda Sea, the Peacock River, the Tiger Sea, and the Rhinoceros Sea; and(4)The richness of the landscape aesthetic mechanism was reflected in two categories—the aesthetic laws mechanism, which includes color aesthetics, symmetry aesthetics, metaphor aesthetics, holistic view, and Bayesian aesthetics, and the aesthetic space mechanism, including short-distance beauty aesthetics, long-distance sublime aesthetics, and middle-distance picturesque aesthetics. The final part of this article, therefore, provided some countermeasures and suggestions, from the perspective of aesthetics, to the protection, conservation, and utilization of landscape resources for sustainable tourism development in the framework of ecological civilization. A particular focus was on the Spark Sea scenic area, which an earthquake damaged in 2017, and its restoration and reconstruction based on natural features and previous patterns as much as possible because of its leading aesthetic identity in Jiuzhaigou


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收稿日期(Received date):2021-06-11; 改回日期(Accepted date):2021-10-20
基金项目(Foundation item):国家自然科学基金(41071091); 九寨沟灾后重建先导项目(Y9D2130130)。[National Natural Science Foundation of China(41071091); Priority Research Program of Jiuzhaigou Post-Disaster Reconstruction(Y9D2130130)]
作者简介(Biography):李立华(1964-),男,湖北应城人,博士,研究员,主要研究方向:山地旅游与山区发展 。[ LI Lihua(1964-)male, born in Yingcheng, Hubei province, Ph.D., professor, research on mountain tourism and mountain development] E-mail: Lilh@imde.ac.cn
更新日期/Last Update: 2021-09-30