[1]秦 瑞,周瑞伍,彭明春,等.CASA模型在金沙江流域(云南部分)NPP研究中的应用[J].山地学报,2014,(06):698.
QIN Rui,ZHOU Ruiwu,PENG Mingchun,et al.Application of CASA Model in NPP Evaluation of Jinsha River Basin(Yunnan Part)[J].Mountain Research,2014,(06):698.
- 卷:
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- Title:
Application of CASA Model in NPP Evaluation of Jinsha River Basin(Yunnan Part)
- 作者:
秦 瑞; 周瑞伍; 彭明春; 王崇云; 彭泽瑜
云南大学 生态学与地植物学研究所,云南 昆明 650091
- Author(s):
QIN Rui; ZHOU Ruiwu; PENG Mingchun; WANG Chongyun; PENG Zeyu
Institute of Ecology and Geobotany,Yunnan University,Kunming 650091,China
- 关键词:
净初级生产力; CASA模型; 金沙江流域
- Keywords:
Net primary productivity; CASA model; Jinsha river basin
- 分类号:
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- 摘要:
净初级生产力是陆地生态系统碳循环的重要组成部分,对于控制大气CO2的上升有着重要的作用,是生态系统中物质与能量流动研究的基础。采用气象数据、MODIS NDVI数据,运用改进的CASA模型对金沙江流域(云南部分)的净初级生产力进行研究,并分析了其分布格局及影响因素。结果表明:流域初级生产力最大值达到1 382.39 g/m2,平均为719.54 g/m2;在空间分布上,中游\[751.21g/(m2·a)\] >上游\[714.42 g/(m2·a)\]>下游\[693.00 g/(m2·a)\];流域的净初级生产力有明显的季节变化,表现为干湿季分明,雨季\[612.26 g/(m2·a)\]的生产力明显高于干季\[107.08 g/(m2·a)\],秋季又较春季为高;净初级生产力受植被类型、温度、降水等因素的影响明显。用遥感的方法对区域的NPP产量测算已得到了普遍的认可,其研究结果为NPP动态研究和评价生态系统服务功能提供了有效的基础数据。
- Abstract:
Net primary productivity is an important part of terrestrial ecosystem caobon cycle ,to control the rise in atmospheric CO2 plays an important role,is the foundation of material and material and energy flow in ecosystem reasearch. using meteorological data and MODIS NDVI data,net primary productivity of Jinsha river basin(Yunnan part,China) was studied through improved CASA model,and the distribution pattern and influencing factors were analyzed. Result showed that the maximam net primary productivity of the basin is 1 382.39 g/m2,with an average of 71954 g/m2;On the spatial distribution,middle \[751.21 g/(m2·a)\] > upstream \[714.42 g/(m2·a)\]> downstream \[693.00 g/(m2·a)\];The net primary productivity of the basin has obvious seasonal difference between dry and wet season,the net primary productivity for rainy season \[612.26 g/(m2·a)\] is significantly higher than dry season \[107.08 g/(m2·a)\],the net primary productivity in autumn is higher than spring;Net primary productivity is significantly affected by vegetation type,temperature and precipitation.Using the method of remote sensing to measue regional NPP production has been widely recognized,its resarch results for NPP dynamic and evaluation of ecosystem service function provides the effective basic data.
- 备注/Memo:
收稿日期(Received date):2013-11-04;修回日期(Accepted):2014-03-12。
作者简介(Biography):秦瑞(1987-),男,汉族,云南曲靖人,硕士研究生,植被与景观生态学研究方向。\[Qin Rui (1987-), male, Han, from Qujing of Yunnan, Graduate student, research directions for the vegetation and landscape ecology.\]E-mail:932272254@qq.com
通信作者(Corresponding author):彭明春(1966-),男,汉族,云南昭通人,博士,副教授,从事植被景观生态与遥感方面的研究。\[Peng Mingchun (1966-), male, Han, domicile of origin (zhaotong of yunnan), Ph D, associate professor, research directions for the vegetation and landscape ecology.\] E-mail:mcpeng@ynu.edu.cn
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