 TANG Yuping,PAN Hongyi*,ZHANG Zhifeng,et al.Classification of Village Types and the Corresponding Path of Rural Revitalization in Mountainous Areas—A Case Study of Mianyang City, Sichuan Province, China[J].Mountain Research,2022,(5):764-777.[doi:10.16089/j.cnki.1008-2786.000710]





Classification of Village Types and the Corresponding Path of Rural Revitalization in Mountainous Areas—A Case Study of Mianyang City, Sichuan Province, China
(1.四川师范大学 a.西南土地资源评价与监测教育部重点实验室; b.地理与资源科学学院, 成都 610066; 2. 四川省水产学校,成都 611730)
TANG Yuping1 PAN Hongyi1* ZHANG Zhifeng1 MA Hongju2
(1. a. Key Laboratory of Land Resources Evaluation and Monitoring in Southwest, Ministry of Education; b. Geography and Resource Science College, Sichuan Normal University, Chengdu 610066, China; 2. Sichuan Fisheries School, Chengdu 611730, China)
乡村振兴 振兴路径 乡村类型 绵阳市 山地丘陵区
rural revitalization revitalization path village types Mianyang city mountainous and hilly areas
乡村振兴战略是解决城乡发展不平衡不充分、提升乡村可持续发展能力的根本措施。测量乡村振兴潜力,划分乡村类型并提出相应的发展路径,对促进乡村可持续发展具有重要意义。现有研究多以乡村振兴战略为背景开展振兴路径的探讨,缺乏空间数据的使用以及对乡村振兴潜力的定量分析,且对资源相对贫乏地区关注有限,对乡村振兴战略实践的支撑性和指导性不足。本研究以绵阳市为研究区,在辨析乡村振兴概念和内容的基础上,引入多项空间数据,从生产-生活-人口-生态四个维度构建镇域乡村振兴潜力评价指标体系,揭示其空间格局分布规律,并采用K-means聚类法对乡村类型进行划分,进而提出乡村振兴路径。结果表明:(1)受自然和人文因素的影响,乡村振兴潜力得分呈现出明显的空间差异性,高值区和较高值区分布在绵阳市中部和西南部,中值区主要集中在西北部和东南部,低值区集中在北部和西北部,整体上南部的乡村振兴潜力高于北部。(2)依据乡村振兴潜力及形成的内在动因将研究区内乡村划分为产业发展型、集聚提升型和特色发展型,其数量分别占研究区的39.38%、45.17%和15.45%。产业发展型乡村振兴潜力得分高,人口密集,产业发展基础好; 集聚提升型乡村振兴潜力低于产业发展型,该类型乡村主要以传统农业为主,区域竞争力不足,乡村主体流失; 特色发展型特点是生态因子得分占据优势,其余因子得分低,因而乡村振兴潜力得分低。(3)针对不同类型的乡村发展提出乡村振兴路径:产业发展型乡村以高新技术产业为主导,增强优势产业发展,推进主导产业园区建设,同时优化农业产业结构,形成专业化产业; 集聚提升型乡村以协同增长为策略,加强基础设施建设,发展特色观光休闲农业,构建田园综合体模式; 特色发展型乡村以生态旅游为重点,结合绵阳本土人文自然风情,开发独特的旅游资源,发展生态旅游依托型模式。本研究可以为绵阳市乡村振兴提供数据参考,促进乡村振兴目标的实现。
The campaign of rural revitalization gives a political incentive to a sustainable development of villages in China. To examine the potential of rural revitalization and correspondingly categorize the types of villages in China, both establish a scientific research base for innovation of development path of rural revitalization. Although most of previous studies had explored the revitalization path in the circumstances of Chinese rural revitalization strategy, they hardly involved with the spatial data of a research area and bore no relation to a quantitative analysis of rural revitalization potential, and neither did they paid full attention to areas with relatively poor resources; therefore, the efforts in research to support and guide the practice of rural revitalization strategy were quite insufficient. In this study, Mianyang city, Sichuan, China was designed as a case study for exploration of rural revitalization potential and paths. It reexamined the concept and content of rural revitalization; introduced a set of spatial data into an evaluation index system, which was constructed on a town scale to evaluate the potential from four dimensions, production-life-population-ecology. It revealed the distribution law of the potential and categorized the types of villages by the K-means clustering method. Detailed results are listed here:(1)The rural revitalization potentials were subject to natural and human factors of Mianyang city, demonstrating a pattern of distinct spatial heterogeneity according to the scoring of the potentials, with an overall pattern of higher in the south than those in the north. The high score and higher were attached to the central and the southwest of Mianyang city. The areas with median values were mainly concentrated in the northwest and southeast. The low-value areas comprised the north and northwest.(2)In consideration of the pattern of the rural revitalization potentials and the associated driving force, the villages in the study area were grouped into industrial-type, agglomeration-type and specialization-type, with the number accounting for 39.38%, 45.17% and 15.45% of the study area respectively. The industrial-type villages had the highest scores, with densely populated, a better industry development potential; The agglomeration-type villages got less scores than the industrial-type did, which mostly lived on traditional agriculture, with insufficient local competitiveness, nearly loss of rural subjects; The most distinctive feature of the specialization-type villages was their advantages in ecological factor scores, but poor performances in others, leading to low score of rural revitalization potential.(3)According to village types, we proposed the following paths toward rural revitalization. The development of the industrial-type villages should be dominated by high-tech industries, to strengthen the development of advantageous industries, to promote the construction of leading industrial parks, and to optimize the agricultural industrial structure to form specialized industries; The agglomeration-type villages should take synergistic growth as a top priority, to strengthen infrastructure construction, to develop characteristic tourism and leisure agriculture, and to build a countryside complex model; The specialization-type villages should pay attention to eco-tourism, to create unique tourism resources and eco-tourism-based models in terms of local cultural and natural reserves. This study can provide data reference for rural revitalization in Mianyang city, and promote the realization of the goal of rural revitalization in mountainous areas of China.


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收稿日期(Received date):2022-07-23; 改回日期(Accepted date):2022-10-13
基金项目(Foundation item): 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金(18XJA630005); 国家自然科学基金(42071222)。[Humanities and Social Science Fund of Ministry of Education of China(18XJA630005); National Natural Science Foundation of China(42071222)]
作者简介(Biography): 唐玉萍(1997-),女,四川宜宾人,硕士研究生,主要研究方向:土地利用与土地评价。[TANG Yuping(1997-), female, born in Yibin, Sichuan province, M.Sc. candidate, research on land use and land evaluation] E-mail: tangyuping97@163.com
*通讯作者(Corresponding author): 潘洪义(1980-),男,河北唐山人,博士,副教授,主要研究方向:土地利用与土地评价。[PAN Hongyi(1980-), male, born in Tangshan, Hebei province, Ph.D., associate professor, research on land use and land evaluation] E-mail: panhongyi80@163.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2022-10-30