 YANG Yuewen,JI Meng,LIU Xinqian,et al.Population Structure and Spatial Distribution of Prunus mongolica in the Helan Mountains National Reserve of Inner Mongolia[J].Mountain Research,2015,(01):42.





Population Structure and Spatial Distribution of Prunus mongolica in the Helan Mountains National Reserve of Inner Mongolia
YANG Yuewen JI Meng LIU XinqianZENG YuREN Jianmin LI YinxiangWANG ZiboZHANG Fenghe
1. Inner Mongolia Academy of Forestry Science,Hohhot 010010,Inner Mongolia,China; 2.The Institute of Forestry Monitoring and Planning of Inner Monglia Autonomous Region,Hohhot,010020,Inner Mongolia,China
The Helan Mountains Prunus mongolica structure spatial distribution pattern
Based on an investigation into the Prunus mongolica communities distributed in the Helan Mountains of China. There is great significance to master the Prunus mongolica population structures and distribution patterns for the biodiversity conservation and the resource protection and reasonable development in the nature reserve. Three representative samples were set up in different habitats and the population structures and distribution patterns were discussed by using statistical methods. The results showed that the growth of individual plant and population density and spatial structures were distinctly different under the different habitat conditions. There were mang seedling within the scope of invenstigation which indicating the Prunus mongolica population had a better renewal and in a stable state. In addition,we also found that under suitable growth environment and population were dominated by young trees, the population displayed an aggregated distribution pattern. And a random distribution pattern was observed with spatial criterion increasing.


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收稿日期(Received date):2014-02-21;修回日期(Accepted):2014-04-24。
基金项目(Foundation item):林业公益性行业科研专项经费项目:藻草灌复合植被恢复重建关键技术研究与示范(201404204)。[The special fund project for the scientific research of the forest public welfare industry:The research and application demonstration of key technology of vegetation restoration & reconstruction by algaegrassshrub ecosystem(201404204).]
作者简介(Biography):杨跃文(1983-),男,汉族,内蒙古呼和浩特人,硕士,助理研究员,从事森林生态研究。[ Yang Yuewen,(1983-),male,master, Research Assistant,major in study of forest ecology. ] E-mail:nmyuewen@126.com *
通信作者(Corresponding author):季蒙,(1962-),男、汉族、江苏南通人、研究员、从事森林经营研究。[ Ji Meng, male, researcher,major in study of forest management.] E-mail:jimeng04@tom.com
更新日期/Last Update: 1900-01-01