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Calculating Surface Area of Forest Vegetation and Distribution Characters of Damaged Forest in Baoxing of Sichuan,China
曾 珍罗怀斌范建容刘 飞
1.中国科学院水利部成都山地灾害与环境研究所,四川 成都 610041;
2.中国科学院大学,北京 100049;
3.国家林业局中南林业调查规划设计院,湖南 长沙 410014;
4.四川省遥感信息测绘院,四川 成都610100
ZENG ZhenLUO HuaibinFAN JianrongLIU Fei(292)
1.Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment,Chinese Academy of Sciences & Ministry of Water Conservancy,Chengdu 610041,China;
2.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China;
3. South-Central Investigation and Planning Institute of State Forestry Administration,Changsha 410014,China;
4.Sichuan Remote Sensing Geomatics Institute,Chengdu 610100,China
DEM Baoxing County surface roughness vegetation type surface area
为计算四川省宝兴县森林植被覆盖地表面积,分析芦山“4·20”地震后植被受损情况,利用SPOT遥感影像解译获取灾前宝兴县森林植被类型信息,基于地表粗糙度地学意义计算宝兴县不同森林植被类型的地表面积,比较不同森林植被类型地表面积与投影面积之间的差异。同时,利用灾后航飞影像解译获取森林植被破坏信息,分析受损森林植被分布特征。结果表明:宝兴县森林植被覆盖地表面积3 01948 km2,其中针叶林面积最大,占总面积4054%,其次是灌丛和阔叶林,其地表面积均比投影面积高出19%以上。境内森林植被垂直分异明显,海拔从低到高大致分布着经济林、竹林、阔叶林、针叶林和灌丛。有大量针叶林和灌丛分布的海拔区间内地表面积与投影面积差异较大。芦山地震引发的崩塌、滑坡使得分布在海拔1 000~2 000 m、坡度35°~45°之间的针叶林、阔叶林和灌丛受到损毁,其中灌丛损毁面积最大,针叶林损毁面积最小,当坡度达到35°以上时,受损灌丛和阔叶林面积差异迅速增大。通过森林植被类型地表面积与投影面积差异分析及森林植被受损情况分析,可为宝兴县灾后生态修复提供参考依据。
The forest in Baoxing of Sichuan,China is crucial for preserving biodiversity and ecosystem stability of the county. In order to calculate the surface area of forest and to analyze the damage of vegetation caused by the earthquake,this thesis obtained the information about predisaster forest vegetation types based on SPOT remote sensing images. Based on the geology significance of surface roughness,the surface area of different forest vegetation types had been calculated and the differences between the surface area and projected area had been analyzed. The information of damaged forest vegetation was acquired by aircraft images after disaster. The distribution characters of the damaged forest vegetation had been analyzed. The results show that the total surface area of forest in Baoxing County is 3 01948 km2. The area of conifer forest accounts for the most of the total forest vegetation area(40.54%),and second largest area belongs to shrubbery and broadleaved forest Their surface area are both more than 19% of the projected area. The vertical differentiation of the forest is obvious. The altitude from low to high roughly distributed the economic forest,bamboo forest,broadleaved forest,conifer and shrubbery. The elevation range area where is distributed lots of conifer and shrubbery has large differences between the surface area and projected area. The collapse and landslide caused by Sichuan Lushan earthquake mainly damaged the conifer forest,broadleaved forest and shrubbery which distributed in the elevation of 1 000~2 000 m,slope of 35° to 45°. Among them,the damaged area of shrubbery is largest and that of the conifer forest is smallest. When the slope reached above 35°,the difference between two kinds of area for shrubbery and broadleaved forest increased quickly. Area difference analyzing and damaged analyzing for forest vegetation in Baoxing County can guide the ecosystem restoration after the disaster.


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收稿日期(Received date):2013-08-08;改回日期(Accepted): 2013-11-13。
基金项目(Foundation item):国家自然科学基金(41340001)“4·20芦山地震次生山地灾害应急考察和减灾对策”。[Supported by National Natural Science Foundation (41340001).]
作者简介(Biography):曾珍(1988-),女,四川成都人,硕士研究生,研究方向为遥感应用和水土保持。[Zeng Zhen(1988-), female, born in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, postgraduate student, research direction is RS application and water and soil conservation.] E-mail: 826834458@qq.com *
通信作者(Corresponding author):范建容(1969-),女,四川井研人,研究员,博士生导师,主要从事山地环境遥感研究。[Fan Jianrong(1969-), female, born in Jingyan, Sichuan Province, professor, doctor supervisor, mainly engaged in the study of mountain environment remote sensing.] E-mail: fjrong@imde.ac.cn
更新日期/Last Update: 1900-01-01