 ZHANG Guohua,XIE Chongbao,PI Xiaoyu,et al.Land Potential Productivity of Red Soil Slope Land Regarding Different Measures[J].Mountain Research,2015,(03):288.





Land Potential Productivity of Red Soil Slope Land Regarding Different Measures
ZHANG Guohua XIE Chongbao PI Xiaoyu ZUO Changqing
1. China Irrigation and Drainage Development Center, Beijing 100054,China; 2.The Water Service Bureau of Chaoyang of Beijing City, Beijing 100026,China; 3. China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, Beijing 100048,China
red soildifferent measurespotential productivitymodel
The redsoil region of the tropical and subtropical area, located in South China, is one of important cases for tropical cash and food crops base within tropical and subtropics regions. Conducting the research on potential productivity of slope with red soil is very useful to develop and utilize the soil resources. Based on the EPIC (Environmental PolicyIntegrated Climate) model. A computation method for potential productivity of slope land with red soil is set up in this paper. Soil nutrients are taken as the modified function in the method. With the impacts of weather and soil on thermal production potential considered, three kinds of slop with different treatments and bare slop are studied in the paper. The paper presented the impacts of different treatments on the productivity the slope with red soil. And The results indicated that land potential productivity under measureⅡ(horizontal terraces of orchards with Bahia grass planted on the walls and mounds before but a ditch behind)was the highest,which was 300 times higher than that of bare slop. The results also revealed that water is not the limited parameter for land productivity in this region since the precipitation is enough for crop. The capacity to meet the crop needs of soil nutrients decreased with the increase of soil erosion, and available phosphorus is the key parameter for the crop growth.


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收稿日期(Received date):2014-07-08;修回日期(Accepted):2014-09-02。
基金项目(Foundation item):“十二五”国家科技支撑课题“村镇饮用水源保护和污染防控技术研究”(2012BAJ25B01)。[This research is supported by the National Science and Technique Sustentation Project “Study on techonoly of protecting drinkingwater source and controlling pollution in the rural area (2012BAJ25B01)”.]
作者简介(Biography):张国华(1980-),男,博士,高级工程师,从事农业水土工程方面的研究。[Zhang Guohua(1980-), male, doctor, Senior Engineer, major in the study of Agricultural Water and Soil Engineering. ]
更新日期/Last Update: 1900-01-01