[1]樊辉,何大明.基于MODIS EVI时序数据的云南高原山地森林物候特征识别[J].山地学报,2012,(01):16.
FAN Hui,HE Daming.Identifying Phenological Characteristics of Highland and Mountain Forests in Yunnan Using MODIS EVI Timeseries Data[J].Mountain Research,2012,(01):16.
基于MODIS EVI时序数据的云南高原山地森林物候特征识别(
- 卷:
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- Title:
Identifying Phenological Characteristics of Highland and Mountain Forests in Yunnan Using MODIS EVI Timeseries Data
- 作者:
1云南大学亚洲国际河流中心,云南 昆明 650091; 2云南省国际河流与跨境生态安全重点实验室,云南 昆明 650091
- Author(s):
FAN Hui; HE Daming
1. Asian International Rivers Center of Yunnan University, Kunming 650091,Yunnan, China;
2. Yunnan Key Laboratory of International Rivers and Transboundary Ecosecurity, Kunming 650091,Yunnan, China
- 关键词:
MODISEVI; 时序分析; 森林物候; 高原山地; 遥感
- Keywords:
MODIS EVI; timeseries analysis; forest phenology; highland and mountain; remote sensing
- 分类号:
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- 摘要:
基于2000—2011年MOD13Q1产品的EVI时序,借助QA-SDS数据集消除云、阴影和冰雪等的影响后,采用非对称高斯函数拟合法进行时序重构,并运用动态阈值法提取云南高原山地典型森林植被的物候特征参数(即生长期开始时间、峰值时间、结束时间和生长期长度),进而分析了不同植被类型物候期规律及其主要控制因素。结果表明:1.从寒温性森林植被到热性森林植被的EVI值呈递增趋势;2.森林植被生长期开始时间、峰值时间和结束时间分别大致发生在3月中旬至4月中下旬、6月中旬至下旬和8月中旬至10月初,生长期长度为135~195 d;3.由寒温性植被向热性植被的生长期高峰时间和生长期结束时间总体呈延迟趋势,且...
- Abstract:
MOD13Q1 products from 2000 to 2011 covering highland and mountains in Yunnan were employed in this study. Noisy pixels due to cloud, shadow and ice/snow contamination were removed from original EVI time series data by incorporating the QA-SDS dataset, and then the missing values of EVI time series data were interpolated by the asymmetric Gaussian function fitting method. Based on the reconstructed EVI time series data, phenological metrics (greenup date, maturity date, senescence date and growing season length) of typical forest types were derived using dynamic threshold method. The results show that: 1. there is a positive EVI gradient from cold temperature to tropical forest vegetation. 2. greenup date, maturity date and senescence date of the studied forest vegetation generally occur in mid-March to mid-to-late April, mid to late June and mid-August to early October, respectively, and growing season length of those are ca. 135 to 195 days. 3. from cold temperature to tropical forest vegetation, maturity date and senescence date display a delayed tendency and growing season lengthen. There are the same earlier trend of greenup from warmtemperate to cold temperature forest vegetation and tropical to warmtemperate forest vegetation. 4. spatial pattern of forest phenology depends on heat flux gradient, whereas moisture condition mainly influences interannual variability of EVI values and phenological metrics of forest vegetations.
- 备注/Memo:
收稿日期(Received date):2011-09-26;改回日期(Accepted) : 2011-12-01。
基金项目(Foundation item):国家自然科学基金课题“怒江流域(云南段)土地利用/覆被变化的水文效应”(41061010)和国家科技支撑计划课题“水电能源基地建设对西南生态安全综合影响评估技术与示范”(2011BAC09B07)。\[ Supported by Hydrological responses of LUCC in Nujiang basin of Yunnan province (41061010) and Assessment techniques on the integrated impacts of hydropower development on ecological security in southwest China and their pilot applications (2011BAC09B07). \]
作者简介(Biography):樊辉(1972 - ), 男(汉族) , 江西修水人, 副研究员,主要从事山地环境遥感研究。\[Fan Hui (1972- ) , male, associate professor, engaged in remote sensing of mountainous environment. \]
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