 ZHENG Guanghui,JIANG Difei,LUAN Yongfei,et al.Spatial Differentiation of Agricultural Industry in Guizhou Province of China under Rural Revitalization[J].Mountain Research,2021,(3):429-438.[doi:10.16089/j.cnki.1008-2786.000608]





Spatial Differentiation of Agricultural Industry in Guizhou Province of China under Rural Revitalization
郑光辉1蒋涤非1栾永飞2姚 尧3*
1.中南大学 建筑与艺术学院,长沙410083; 2.华北电力大学 区域能源系统优化教育部重点实验室,北京102206; 3.贵州财经大学 公共管理学院,贵阳550025
ZHENG Guanghui1JIANG Difei1LUAN Yongfei2YAO Yao3*
1.School of Architecture and Art, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China; 2.Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of Regional Energy and Environmental Systems Optimization, Environmental Research Academy, North China Electric Power University, Beijing 102206, China; 3.School of public management, Guizhou University of Finance and Economics, Guiyang 500025, China
乡村振兴 空间分异 山地农业产业 贵州省
rural revitalization spatial differentiation mountain agricultural industry Guizhou province
农业产业研究倾向于农业的生产性功能与农业多功能性,评价指标与研究方法都是基于农业生产的服务性功能,缺乏从农业产业空间分异角度,解析区域农业产业空间分布的联系与影响。本文以贵州省乡村振兴“十百千”工程千村为研究对象,采用ArcGIS 10.3与GeoDa软件空间分析方法,结合DEM高程数据,解析贵州省2019 年农业产业示范村的空间分布格局及影响因素,分析山地区域的农业产业布局特征,对贵州省山地农业产业示范村的影响因素进行分解,提出山地农业产业发展措施与建议。研究结果表明:(1)农业产业示范村在空间分布上具有显著集聚性特征。示范村集中分布在毕节地区与黔南州以及贵阳市周边等农业县,该区域地势相对平坦,坝区集中连片,自然条件较好。(2)总体核密度形成“多核中心,次中心环绕、梯次布局”的空间分布特征。(3)空间分布上具有显著无标度区间,分形结构复杂且有显著的差异性。(4)农业产业布局在全省的分布上具有不均衡性特征,且有明显的区域差异性。本研究对优化贵州省农业产业布局,调整农业产业结构以及产业振兴具有借鉴意义,结论可为山地农业产业空间规划提供科学支撑。
The prosperity of agricultural industry is a prerequisite to a great success in rural revitalization. Investigations on the spatial disseterization characteristics in agricultural industry and the influence factors governing the layout of agricultural industry are research highlights currently inrural revitalization study. Earlier researches on agricultural industry mostly concerned about the productive function of agriculture or multi-functions of agriculture, and their evaluation indexes and research methods derived from the service function of agricultural production, but little efforts were made to interpret the implication of the spatial distribution of regional agricultural industry from a perspective of spatial differentiation of agricultural industry, particularly in mountains. In this study, 1000 villages in Guizhou province were selected from the project of "Ten Hundred thousand" of Rural Revitalization of Guizhou province. ArcGIS 10.3 and GeoDa software spatial analysis with DEM elevation data were used to conduct the study. The spatial distribution pattern and influencing factors of agricultural industry demonstration villages in Guizhou province in 2019 were analyzed for a comprehensive understanding of agricultural industry layout and controlling factors in the mountainous areas of Guizhou. In this regard, a proposal of promotion to local agricultural industry development was made in this study. Research concluded:(1)The agricultural industry demonstration sites had noticeable agglomeration in layout, demonstrating the preference of agglomeration in space. These sites were concentrated in Bijie area, Qiannan prefecture and surrounding agricultural counties of Guiyang city. The terrains in these districts were relatively flat, with concentrated contiguous areas in dam zones, and relatively favorable natural conditions.(2)The spatial pattern of the overall nuclear density was characterized by a formation of multi-core center surrounded by sub-center and a hierarchy sequence.(3)The spatial distribution had significant scale-free intervals, with complexities and considerable differences in their fractal structures.(4)The agricultural industry in Guizhou was not properly organized in layout, with significant differentiation in distribution. This study is of great reference to optimize the layout of agricultural industry in Guizhou province and promote the revitalization of provincial rural industry, and its conclusion can provide scientific supports for the spatial planning of agricultural industry.


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收稿日期(Received date):2020-07-04; 改回日期(Accepted date): 2021-03-31
基金项目(Foundation item):贵州省2019年度哲学社会科学规划课题(19GZQN11)。[Guizhou Province 2019 Philosophy and Social Science Planning Project(19GZQN11)]
作者简介(Biography):郑光辉(1984-),女,内蒙通辽人,博士研究生,主要研究方向:城市设计、区域发展与城乡规划。[ ZHENG Guanghui(1984-),female,born in Tongliao, Inner Mongolia, Ph.D. candidate, research on urban design, regional development and urban rural planning] E-mail:ghzheng88@163.com
*通讯作者(Corresponding author):姚尧(1988-),男,贵州榕江人,博士,副教授,主要研究方向:区域经济发展,乡村规划。[YAO Yao(1988-), male,born in Rongjiang, Guizhou province, Ph.D., associate professor, research on regional economic development, rural planning]E-mail: yyy@cug.edu.cn
更新日期/Last Update: 2021-05-30