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Heritage Resource Value and Its Protection and Utilization of Dave Trees Valley in Jiajin Mountains
陈飞虎罗 辑赵永涛兰立波陈富斌
中国科学院水利部成都山地灾害与环境研究所,四川 成都 610041
CHEN FeihuLUO JiZHAO YongtaoLAN LiboCHEN Fubin(356)
Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment,Chinese Academy of Sciences & Ministry of Water Conservancy,Chendu 610041,China
Dave Trees Valleyheritage resourcesJiajin Mountains
Dove Trees Valley is the appellation of Davidia involucrata community outstanding landscape of mountain heritage resources in this paper. The paper is divided into 4 sections: overview of Dove Trees Valley, composition of Davidia involucrata community, Dove Trees Valley heritage resources value, Dove Trees Valley heritage resource protection and utilization strategies. Dove Trees Valley in Jiajin Mountain of China is the most important native trees distribution area in the world. It is an important part of World Natural Heritage―Sichuan Giant Panda Sanctuaries (WHSGPS), and an unique dove tree forest area. There is an urgent need to explore strategies to protect and utilize the Dove Valley heritage resources, establishing Jiajin Mountain Giant Panda Heritage–Dove Trees Valley National Park to protect and display the world natural heritage in a better way. There is also need for careful planning and scientific management of Dove Tree Valley ecological tourist, in order to establish research base for keep and breed the Davidia involucrata population.


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收稿日期(Received date):2013-06-09;改回日期(Accepted): 2013-06-18。
作者简介(Biography):陈飞虎(1969-),男(汉族),四川成都人,毕业于四川师范大学旅游管理专业,高级工程师,注册咨询师,现从事世界遗产与国家公园研究,曾获四川省科技进步奖二等奖2项。[Chen Feihu(1969-),male,born in Chengdu,senior engineer,research in world heritage and national park,win two second-class Sichuan Science and Technology Advance Pize.] E-mail: 26787806@qq.com
更新日期/Last Update: 1900-01-01