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 MA Juanjuana,LI Xiaobinga*,QI Penga,et al.Ecological Security Assessment of Qilian Mountain National Park of China[J].Mountain Research,2022,(4):504-515.[doi:10.16089/j.cnki.1008-2786.000689]





Ecological Security Assessment of Qilian Mountain National Park of China
马娟娟1a李晓兵1a2*齐 鹏1a张耀全1b
1. 甘肃农业大学 a.资源与环境学院; b.林学院,兰州 730070; 2. 国家林草局驻西安专员办,兰州 730030
MA Juanjuan1a LI Xiaobing1a2* QI Peng1a ZHANG Yaoquan1b
1. a. Resource and Environmental Faculty; b. Faculty of Forestry, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou 730070, China; 2. Commissioner's Office of the State Forestry and Grass Administration in Xi'an, Lanzhou 730030, China
生态安全评价 熵权法 模糊综合评价法 祁连山国家公园
ecological security assessment entropy weight method fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method Qilian Mountains National Park
Assessment on the ecological security of a national park in China facilitate defining the ecological environment on a reginal scale and its evolution trend, and it is beneficial to actions guided by local government to prevention and control of deterioration of regional ecological environment.
Qilian Mountain National Park was constituted with a purpose of building up a fundamental ecological security defense in western China, an original water source of the Yellow River Basin, and a priority area of biodiversity protection.
Most ecological security assessments of Qilian Mountain National Park were performed based on PSR model with Subjective Weight Determination Method and Comprehensive Index Method; however, the internal relationship between ecosystem and its function and ecological security was not included in the assessments, making their conclusion unpractical.
In this study, 12 administrative districts in Qilian Mountain National Park were selected as cases for a proper evaluation of ecological security of the whole Park in 2018. 20 ecosystem service function indicators selected from two aspects of natural resource conditions and ecological conditions were introduced in the ecological security evaluation system. Entropy weight method was used to determine the weight of each index, and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method was used to calculate the membership degree of each level. Then main obstacle factors affecting the ecological security of Qilian Mountain National Park were determined by obstacle degree model.
The following results are listed here:(1)The ecological security level of Qilian Mountain National Park gradually decreased from east to west in the Park, with an obvious drop from 3.57(Tianzhu county)to 1.97(Aksai county)in the ecological safety value.(2)According to Ecological Security Level Standard, it found that combined with the result of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation, Tianzhu, Menyuan county, and Liangzhou district were safe, but Yongchang and Minle county at critical in safety, Sunan county at low safe level, and Shandan Machang, Subei county, Tianjun county, Aksai county, and Delingha were judged as unsafe.(3)The main obstacles to ecological security were forest coverage, leaf area index, as well as livestock carrying capacity, with average obstacle degree of 11.07%, 9.70%, and 8.39%, respectively. The conclusions will provide a theoretical basis for optimizing the management policy of Qilian Mountain National Park and formulation of ecological protection measures.


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收稿日期(Received date):2021-10-23; 改回日期(Accepted date):2022-05-20
基金项目(Foundation item):盛彤笙科技创新基金项目(GSAU-STS-1436)。 [Shengtongsheng Foundation Project(GSAU-STS-1436)]
作者简介(Biography):马娟娟(1996-),女,硕士研究生,主要研究方向:景观生态。[MA Juanjuan(1996-), female, M.Sc.candidate, research on landscape ecology] E-mail:2522375883@qq.com
*通讯作者(Corresponding author):李晓兵(1974-),正高级工程师,主要研究方向:自然资源资产调查及管理。[LI Xiaobing(1974-), male, senior engineer, research on survey and management of natural resources assets] E-mail: lixbinfo@qq.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2022-08-30