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 ZHANG Shaoshana,LIU Chaoa,b*,et al.Transportation-Accessibility Based Regional Sharing of 5A Scenic Spots in Multi-Topographic Province: A Case Study of Hubei Province, China[J].Mountain Research,2021,(3):403-414.[doi:10.16089/j.cnki.1008-2786.000606]





Transportation-Accessibility Based Regional Sharing of 5A Scenic Spots in Multi-Topographic Province: A Case Study of Hubei Province, China
张绍山1a刘 超1ab*杨志全2
1.中国地质大学(武汉)a.地理与信息工程学院; b.空间规划与人地系统模拟研究中心,武汉 430074; 2.昆明理工大学 公共安全与应急管理学院,昆明 650093
ZHANG Shaoshan1a LIU Chao1ab* YANG Zhiquan2
1. China University of Geosciences a. School of Geography and Information Engineering; b. Research Center for Space Planning and Human-Earth System Simulation, Wuhan 430074, China; 2. Faculty of Public Security and Emergency Management, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650093, China
可达性 5A景区 景区共享 空间公平 通行时间成本 湖北省
accessibility 5A scenic spots sharing scenic spot spatial equity travel time cost Hubei province
可达性是评价区域(或节点)获得发展机会和控制市场能力的有效因素之一,是国内外研究的热点内容。地区交通可达是景区共享的一个重要指标。目前活动空间共享的相关研究主要集中在城市内部或居民区等小尺度空间上,而对于景区这种活动空间需要更大尺度的测算。衡量景区共享水平对于让全体人民更加公平地享有旅游发展成果具有重要意义。本文在共享发展的基础上提出景区共享概念,并基于地形数据和2019年水陆交通网,利用可达性对湖北省5A景区共享水平进行衡量。研究发现:(1)地形是通行时间成本的自然本底值,路网有效降低了通行时间成本,提升了区域共享水平。(2)以“小时圈”为基础划出5个可达分区。其中,高度可达区面积占17.02%,主要分布在江汉平原、南阳盆地; 次高可达区面积占42.98%,呈网状结构分布在湖北省大部分地区; 中度可达区面积占25.71%,网状结构分布在鄂西山区、破碎形态分布于中部大洪山区、东部丘陵区以及南部平原区; 次低可达区面积占9.89%,以破碎形态分布在鄂西山区; 低度可达区面积仅占4.40%,呈斑块状分布在鄂西山区。(3)利用人口加权的变异系数衡量景区共享机会的公平性,结果显示处于公平状态的县市有16个、处于比较公平状态的县市有45个、处于不公平状态的县市有42个。县域平均可达时间的变异系数为0.53,县市之间景区共享机会处于不公平状态。本文从居民共享视角为景区布局规划提供方法支撑和案例参考。
As a hot topic of domestic and foreign research, accessibility is one of the effective factors to evaluate the ability of a region to obtain development opportunities and control the market. Regional traffic accessibility is an important index of scenic spot sharing. The researches on activity space sharing mainly focus on small-scale space such as inner city or residential area, while the activity space like scenic spot requires a larger scale measurement. Measuring the sharing level of scenic spots is of great significance to ensure that all people can share the fruits of tourism development more equitably. In this paper, the concept of shared development was applied to the field of tourism and developed into the concept of scenic spot sharing. Furthermore, based on terrain data as well as land and water transportation networks figures in 2019, the sharing level of 5A scenic spots in Hubei province were measured by accessibility. The findings are as follows:(1)Terrain was the natural background value of travel time cost, and the road network effectively reduced the cost, thus improving the regional sharing level.(2)On the basis of “one hour traffic circle”, five accessible zones were drawn out. Among them, the area of high accessibility zone accounted for 17.02%, which mainly distributed in the Jianghan Plain and the Nanyang Basin. The sub-high accessibility zone accounted for 42.98%, which distributed in most areas of Hubei province with network structure. The area of moderate accessibility zone accounts for 25.71%. It distributed in the mountainous areas of western Hubei province with network structure, and it also scattered over the areas of Hubei province including the central Dahong mountainous areas, the eastern hilly areas and the southern plain areas with fragmented morphology. The sub-low accessibility zone and the low accessibility zone accounted for 9.89% and 4.40% respectively, wherein the former scattered over the mountainous areas of western Hubei with fragmented morphology and the latter displayed a patch distribution in the mountainous areas of western Hubei.(3)Among all the districts in county level, the equity to scenic spots on the sharing opportunities measured by the population-weighted coefficient of variation showed that the number of counties in the state of equity was 16, while the relative equity was 45 and the inequity was 42. The coefficient of variation of the average accessibility time among districts in county level was 0.53, showing that the sharing opportunities of scenic spots among these areas were in the state of inequity. From the perspective of residents' sharing, this research provides method support and case reference for the layout of scenic spots.


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收稿日期(Received date):2020-09-13; 改回日期(Accepted date):2021-05-27
基金项目(Foundation item):黄山风景区管理委员会黄山世界地质公园扩园规划项目(2019116261)。[Huangshan Global Geopark Expansion Planning of Huangshan Scenic Area Administrative Committee(2019116261)]
作者简介(Biography):张绍山(1995-),男,湖北恩施人,硕士研究生,主要研究方向:旅游地理学。[ZHANG Shaoshan(1995-), male, born in Enshi, Hubei province, M.Sc. candidate, research on tourism geography] E-mail: eszhangss@163.com
*通讯作者(Corresponding author):刘超(1980-),男,博士,副教授,主要研究方向:旅游地理学。[LIU Chao(1980-), male, Ph.D., associate professor, research on tourism geography] E-mail: chauger@163.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2021-05-30