 TANG Jiafa,XU Minmin,ZHANG Yaxi.Some Problems and Its Adjustment Measures of Reconstructed Settlements after Earthquake in Beichuan[J].Mountain Research,2016,(02):242-248.[doi:10.16089/j.cnki.1008-2786.000124]





Some Problems and Its Adjustment Measures of Reconstructed Settlements after Earthquake in Beichuan
西南交通大学 地球科学与环境工程学院,四川 成都 610031
TANG Jiafa XU Minmin ZHANG Yaxi
Faculty of Geosciences and Environmental Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Sichuan Chendu,610031,China
北川羌族自治县 重建居民点 空间分布 调控对策
Beichuan Qiang Autonomous County spatial distribution reconstructed settlements adjustment measures
北川羌族自治县是“5·12”汶川地震的极重灾区之一。地震之后,县内的居民点得以快速重建,但震后次生地质灾害频发,部分重建居民点水患严重,居民点空心化程度较重,这些问题的存在,给重建居民点的稳定和发展带来困难和挑战。为此,在分析北川重建居民点空间分布特征的基础上,以居民点斑块为单元,采用因子加权求和法,对这些居民点单元进行了适宜性评价,叠加地质灾害调查的结果,得到地质灾害威胁、适宜性较差、适宜性中等和适宜性较好的4种类型居民点的空间分布图。根据各类型的居民点中存在的问题和不足,提出相应的调控对策:对于受各类灾害威胁的居民点,需加强灾害的监测和防治,根据灾情的轻重缓急,逐步搬迁; 对于适宜性较差的居民点,应以引导居民逐步搬迁为主; 对适宜性中等居民点,应加强基础设施建设,稳定其基本的分布格局; 对适宜性较好的居民点,可作为县内城镇化的重点,优先发展。
Beichuan Qiang Autonomous County of Sichuan, China, was one of the hardest destroyed areas in 2008's earthquake, and the new settlements were reconstructed quickly after earthquake with national support. Some reconstructed settlements have faced a series problem these years, such as geological disasters, river flood, and hollow village, and these problems have affected the stability and development of these reconstructed settlements. In order to solve these problems, some adjustment measures are promoted in this paper based on the suitability evaluation of the reconstructed settlements. The spatial distribution character of the new settlements are described at first, then the suitability evaluation for the reconstructed settlements is carried on based on the weighted summation model of factors, the result of the suitability evaluation is overlaid with the field survey result of the geological disasters, finally the new settlements are classified as four classes, which are the geological disasters threaten settlements, the poor suitable settlements, the middle suitable settlements and the nice suitable settlements. The corresponding adjustment measures to these four kinds settlements are: to the geological disasters threaten settlements, some settlements should be keep safe with the ways of monitoring or preventing the geological disasters, some settlements should be moved right away; to the poor suitable settlements, people in the settlements should be moved out step by step with the help of the local government and let the settlements disappear gradually; to the middle suitable settlements, more infrastructure constructions are needed to maintain the stability of the settlements; and to the nice suitable settlements, it can act as the key areas in the process of urbanization of the Beichuan county.


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收稿日期(Received date):2015-10-08; 改回日期(Accepted):2015-11-22。 基金项目(Foundation item):教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金: 汶川地震震区重构的人地关系特征及其调整与优化模式研究(12YJAZH124)。 [This research is supported by the Ministry of Education of Humanities and Social Science Fund Plan: the Reconstructed Human-land Relationship after Earthquake and Tts Optimized Model for the Wenchuan Earthquake Area(12YJAZH124).] 作者简介(Biography):汤家法(1971-),男,安徽庐江人,副教授,主要从事山地环境研究。[Tang Jiafa(1971-), male, born in Lujiang county of Anhui Province,major on the research of mountain environment.] E-mail: tajava@163.com
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