WANG Xingang,YU Hongming,HU Bin,et al.Impact Analysis of the Joint Control Excavation Loess Slope’s Stability under the Influence of Rainfall Infiltration Channel[J].Mountain Research,2013,(04):413.
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- Title:
Impact Analysis of the Joint Control Excavation Loess Slope’s Stability under the Influence of Rainfall Infiltration Channel
- 作者:
1.中国地质大学工程学院,湖北 武汉 430074;
2.广州城建职业学院建筑工程系,广东 广州 510925
- Author(s):
WANG Xingang; YU Hongming; HU Bin; LIAN Baoqin
1.Department of Engineering, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 430074, China;
2. Department of Building Engineering,Guangzhou City Construction College,Guangzhou 510925, China
- 关键词:
入渗通道; 黄土节理; 演化过程; 数值分析模型
- Keywords:
infiltration channel; Loess joint; evolution process; numerical analysis model
- 分类号:
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- 摘要:
黄土节理控制着黄土开挖边坡地表径流的主要入渗通道,在降雨作用下黄土节理将逐步发育成大的入渗通道,加剧了黄土开挖边坡的破坏。通过野外现场地质调查,统计黄土开挖边坡的节理裂隙、入渗贯穿通道分布状况,得出不同开挖边坡高度的入渗通道间距与开挖边坡高度高斯拟合关系式;根据入渗通道分布关系式,概化建立降雨入渗通道的演化数值分析模型,利用岩土工程软件Flac3D模拟分析山西忻州河曲运煤大道黄土开挖边坡在降雨状况下入渗通道发育过程,分析了40 mm/d、80 mm/d、120 mm/d三种降雨工况下降雨24 h的入渗通道演化过程及开挖边坡破坏程度,以及降雨对黄土开挖边坡的影响;指出在降雨作用下入渗通道在坡高6...
- Abstract:
The main infiltration channel of excavation loess slope’s surface runoff be controlled by loess’s joint, the loess joint will gradually develop into a big infiltration channels under the action of rainfall and the destruction of loess slope will be increased. Different excavation slope height of infiltration channel spacing and excavation slope height gaussian fitting relation are concluded through the field geological survey, loess slope joint fissures and infiltration through channel’s distribution statistics; The rainfall infiltration channel evolution’s numerical analysis generalized model be establish according to the infiltration channel distribution relation, the rainfall infiltration channel evolution process and excavation slope damage be analyses under three rainfall condition 40 mm/day, 80 mm/day, 120 mm/day; Pointed out that the rainfall infiltration channel be destroyed under the action of rainfall when Slope high is about 60 m, should pay attention to the infiltration channel severe expansion and controlled while the slope is higher than 60 m. Use field statistics, survey results generalized infiltration channel extension evolution numerical model is established, can for the engineering geological conditions of the same region under the action of rainfall in loess excavation slope stability failure analysis and prevention and control to provide an effective analysis method.
- 备注/Memo:
收稿日期(Received date):2013-04-09;改回日期(Accepted) : 2013-04-27。
基金项目(Foundation item):国家自然科学基金面上项目(41172281), 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目(摇篮人才计划CUGL100413、特色学科团队CUG090104),国家科技部973项目(2011CB710604)资助。[These research results are supported by the National Natural Science Fund Projects (41172281);the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of China (No. CUGL100413), National Science and Technology of China 973 Item(No. 2011CB710604).]
作者简介(Biography):王新刚(1985-),男,中国地质大学在读博士,主要从事边坡稳定性分析、数值模拟等研究。[Wang Xingang,male,born in 1985,Ph D. student in Department of Engineering ,China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, Hubei 430074, China. Major research: slope stability analysis , numerical simulation.]E-mail:328062223@qq.com
*通信作者(Corresponding author):余宏明,男,教授,博士生导师。[Yu Hongming,professor,doctoral tutor.]E-mail: yuhongming56@sohu.com
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