YE Jian,TAO Heping,CHEN Jinxiong,et al.3D Terrain Modelling and Visualization for Dynamical Process Simulation of Mountain Disasters[J].Mountain Research,2012,(02):195.
- 卷:
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- 栏目:
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- Title:
3D Terrain Modelling and Visualization for Dynamical Process Simulation of Mountain Disasters
- 作者:
中国科学院水利部成都山地灾害与环境研究所,四川 成都 610041
- Author(s):
YE Jian; TAO Heping; CHEN Jinxiong; CHEN Xiaoqing
Institution of Mountain Hazards and Environment, Chinese Academy of Science, Chengdu 610041,China
- 关键词:
LOD; 三维地形可视化; ROAM; 分层; 分块
- Keywords:
level of detail; 3D terrain visualization; Realtime Optimally Adapting Meshes; multiresolution; block
- 分类号:
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- 摘要:
- Abstract:
In correspondence with the requirement of dynamical process simulation of mountain disasters and the drawbacks of rendering the whole process of mountain disasters dynamic simulation in real time, the improved LOD algorithm based on the triangle bintree data structure, is proposed, to realize 3D modelling and visualization of mountainous terrain. It performs pretreatment of blocking and layering for mountainous terrain data, and uses triangle bintree to represent terrain meshes. It also dynamically split or merge data blocks with quadtree structures according to viewpoints as well as the roughness in local terrain, which limit the terrain data in the memory. The experimental result shows that the method presented in this paper is feasible and efficient,has a low memory expenses, it can be used to realize real time rendering of very largescale terrain, which lays a good foundation for whole dynamical process simulation of mountain disasters.
- 备注/Memo:
收稿日期(Received date):2011-12-21;改回日期(Accepted):2012-03-01。
基金项目(Foundation item):中科院山地所青年百人团队计划项目(SDSQB-2010-03)。\[Supported by the Youth Talent Team Program of IMHE,CAS(SDSQB-2010-03).\]
作者简介(Biography):叶健(1980-),男,安徽六安人,博士研究生,主要从事山地灾害三维仿真研究方面的工作。\[Ye Jian(1980-),male, born in Luan of Anhui, doctor student, mainly engaged in research of 3D simulation of mountain disasters.\]E-mail:alexye518@gmail.com
通讯作者(Corresponding author):陈锦雄,男,教授,博士生导师。\[Chen Jinxiong, male, professor, doctoral supervisor.\] E-mail:jimxchen@gmail.com
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